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No se puede hacer trading con Wrapped EOS (WEOS) en Coinbase.

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Wrapped EOS


Acerca de Wrapped EOS

Wrapped EOS (WEOS) is a digital asset that represents EOS, a third-generation blockchain platform that aims to provide performance, flexibility, security, and a developer-friendly environment. EOS operates on a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) network, where stakeholders have the authority to select node operators, ensuring power is distributed among all parties involved in the EOS Network. The EOS Network is recognized for its technology and community, providing developers with the tools and resources to build projects.

Wrapped EOS operates within the EOS Network, a blockchain platform that uses a Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism. In this system, EOS token holders delegate their stake to elect representatives responsible for validating transactions. This approach aims to prevent consolidation, where smaller miners are pushed out by those with greater computing power and resources. The EOS Network operates with a 3% annualized inflation rate, with portions allocated to block producers and the EOS Network Foundation's treasury.

Wrapped EOS provides a platform for developers to build projects. The EOS Network's technology and community make it an attractive environment for developers, offering multiple tools and educational resources to help users acclimate to the blockchain. The EOS Network also values transparency, openness, honesty, accountability, liberty, respect, and other core values of a blockchain, making it a suitable platform for projects that align with these principles. Furthermore, the EOS Network Foundation coordinates financial and non-financial support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network, potentially opening up more opportunities for projects built on Wrapped EOS.

The EOS Network, which underpins Wrapped EOS, was built on the EOSIO software developed by Block.one and architected by Daniel Larimer. The EOS blockchain was launched in June 2018 by a decentralized group of block producers who bootstrapped the network based on a token distribution snapshot from Block.one's ICO. In August 2021, consensus was reached by EOS block producers to fund the EOS Network Foundation (ENF), launched by Yves La Rose. The ENF is a not-for-profit organization that coordinates support to encourage the growth and development of the EOS Network. The EOS Network has a community with diverse ideas and leadership, working towards growth.


Estadísticas de mercado de España

Los datos proceden de terceros. No garantizamos la exactitud de los datos facilitados. Más información

Capitalización bursátil

Datos insuficientes

Volumen (24 h)

Datos insuficientes

Suministro en circulación

Datos insuficientes

Máximo histórico

Datos insuficientes

Rendimiento del mercado de España

Cambio de precio (1 h)

+100 %

Cambio del precio (1 d)

+100 %

Cambio del precio (1 sem.)

+100 %

Cambio del precio (2 sem.)

Datos insuficientes

Cambio del precio (1 m)

-2,78 %

Cambio del precio (1 año)

+145,76 %

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Calculadora de Wrapped EOS


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Wrapped EOS está al alza esta semana.

El precio de Wrapped EOS ha increased en un 100,00 % en la última hora y increased en un 100,00 % en las últimas 24 horas. El precio de Wrapped EOS también ha risen en un 100,00 % en la última semana.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Cuál es el precio actual de Wrapped EOS?

Actualizamos nuestro Wrapped EOS a EUR en tiempo real. Obtén el precio de Wrapped EOS actual en Coinbase.

¿Puedo comprar Wrapped EOS en Coinbase?

No, Wrapped EOS no está disponible actualmente en Coinbase, pero puedes registrarte para recibir las últimas noticias sobre Wrapped EOS y recibir una notificación cuando se agregue a nuestro exchange.