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Debunking Bitcoin Myths
Przewodnik dla początkujących

7 największych mitów na temat bitcoina

Przyjrzyjmy się niektórym z największych mitów i błędnych przekonań, jakie ludzie mają na...


Nie pozwól, aby FUD dało Ci FOMO, bo skończy się to REKT – wyjaśniamy slang kryptowalut

Od diamentowych rąk po flippening – objaśniamy 11 najpopularniejszych wyrażeń żargonu kryp...

What is a crypto airdrop?
Beginner's Guide

What is a crypto airdrop?

A crypto airdrop is a strategy used by blockchain startups to distribute tokens or coins t...

What are gas fees?
Beginner's Guide

What are gas fees?

Gas fees are transaction costs on the Ethereum blockchain, paid in Ether (ETH) or its frac...

What are Ethereum Layer-2 blockchains and how do they work?
Beginner's Guide

What are Ethereum Layer-2 blockchains and how do they work?

TL;DR: Ethereum Layer-2 blockchains are solutions designed to enhance the scalability of t...

What is a stablecoin?
Beginner's Guide

What is a stablecoin?

Stablecoins are a type of cryptocurrency whose value is pegged to another asset, such as a...

Forex trading vs. crypto: which is right for you?
Beginner's Guide

Forex trading vs. crypto: which is right for you?

Forex and crypto trading are both popular financial options with their unique advantages a...

A seed phrase is a sequence of random words that stores the data required to access or recover cryptocurrency. Seed phrases are generated by crypto wallets and are crucial for the safety of digital assets. It's essential to keep a seed phrase safe and private as it can be used to regain access to a crypto wallet.
Beginner's Guide

What are digital assets?

Digital assets are anything created and stored digitally that has or provides value. They...

What is NFT art?
Beginner's Guide

What is NFT art?

NFT art refers to digital assets stored on a blockchain that represent content or physical...

How do cryptocurrency miners work?
Beginner's Guide

How do cryptocurrency miners work?

Cryptocurrency mining is a process that validates transactions and adds them to a blockcha...

What is the difference between a coin and a token?
Beginner's Guide

What is the difference between a coin and a token?

Coins are digital assets that operate on their own independent blockchain. Tokens are digi...

What are the differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum?
Beginner's Guide

What are the differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum?

Bitcoin and Ethereum are both digital assets, but they aim to serve different purposes and...

APY vs. APR: What’s the difference?
Beginner's Guide

APY vs. APR: What’s the difference?

APY and APR are two key metrics used to measure compensation from crypto activities. Thoug...

What is spot trading in crypto and how does it work?
Beginner's Guide

What is spot trading in crypto and how does it work?

Spot trading in crypto refers to the process of buying and selling digital currencies at t...

What is Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)?
Beginner's Guide

What is Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA)?

Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) is a strategy that involves allocating a fixed amount of resou...

What are Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO)?
Beginner's Guide

What are Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO)?

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are entities with no central leadership, gov...

What is a memecoin?
Beginner's Guide

What is a memecoin?

Memecoins are cryptocurrencies often inspired by internet memes or trends. They are typica...

Proof of Work (PoW) vs. Proof of Stake (PoS): what's the difference?
Beginner's Guide

Proof of Work (PoW) vs. Proof of Stake (PoS): what's the difference?

PoW and PoS are consensus mechanisms used in cryptocurrency networks to validate transacti...

What are Decentralized Applications (DApps)?
Beginner's Guide

What are Decentralized Applications (DApps)?

Decentralized Applications (DApps) are applications that run on blockchain networks, striv...

Kluczowy termin

Czym jest wydobywanie kryptowalut?

Wydobywanie to proces używany w przypadku bitcoina i kilku innych kryptowalut w celu tworz...

What are crypto whales?
Beginner's Guide

What are crypto whales?

Crypto whales are individuals or entities that hold large amounts of cryptocurrency. They...

What is an NFT rarity ranking?
Beginner's Guide

What is an NFT rarity ranking?

NFT rarity ranking is associated with the uniqueness or scarcity of a nonfungible token in...

What is a governance token?
Beginner's Guide

What is a governance token?

Governance tokens are a type of cryptocurrency that allows holders to participate in on-ch...

What is blockchain network congestion?
Beginner's Guide

What is blockchain network congestion?

Blockchain network congestion happens when the quantity of transactions surpasses the netw...

Magnifying glass over a Cardano token
Key term

What is Cardano?

Cardano is one of the biggest cryptocurrencies by market cap. It’s designed to a flexible,...

Key term

What is CeFi?

Learn how to earn interest on your savings or take out a loan using crypto as collateral

Kłódka na siatce, otoczona sześcianami
Kluczowy termin

Czym jest kryptografia?

Kryptografia to nauka i praktyka wysyłania bezpiecznych oraz zaszyfrowanych wiadomości mię...

Wykresy przedstawiające trend spadkowy na rynku niedźwiedzia i trend wzrostowy na rynku byka
Kluczowy termin

Co to jest rynek byka i rynek niedźwiedzia?

Rynki odnotowujące trwały i/lub znaczny wzrost nazywane są rynkami byka. Rynki doświadczaj...

Łańcuch bloków kryptowaluty, rozwidlający się na dwie różne gałęzie
Kluczowy termin

Co to jest fork?

Do forka dochodzi zawsze wtedy, gdy społeczność wprowadza zmiany w protokole łańcucha blok...

Trzy wykresy, w tym wykres liniowy przedstawiający trend wzrostowy.
Kluczowy termin

Co to jest inflacja?

Inflacja to proces, w którym waluta, taka jak dolar lub euro, traci na wartości w czasie,...

Key term

What is Dogecoin?

DOGE was created as a lighthearted alternative to traditional cryptocurrencies, but it's b...

Stos monet kryptowaluty na wadze
Kluczowy termin

Czym jest kapitalizacja rynkowa?

Kapitalizacja rynkowa to łączna wartość wszystkich wydobytych monet.

Key term

What is Polkadot (DOT)?

A beginner's guide to the Polkadot protocol

Key term

What is Polygon (MATIC)?

A beginner's guide to the Polygon network

Różne tokeny kryptowalut krążą wokół jednego dużego złotego tokena
Kluczowy termin

Co to jest token?

Technicznie rzecz biorąc, „token” to po prostu inne określenie na „kryptowalutę” lub „kryp...

What is an ETF?
Key Term

What is an ETF?

Exchange-traded funds — better known as an ETFs — are similar in many ways to mutual fund...

Website user interfaces with financial charts, graphs, and diagrams
Crypto resources

What to read, watch, and stream

Our guide to the best and smartest crypto articles, podcasts, and YouTube videos.

What are fiat “on-ramps” and “off-ramps”?
Key Term

What are fiat “on-ramps” and “off-ramps”?

Fiat on-ramps and off-ramps are services that facilitate the exchange of fiat currencies f...

What are generative art NFTs and why are they fascinating?
Beginner's guide

What are generative art NFTs and why are they fascinating?

Generative art NFTs are unique digital artworks created through a blend of human creativit...

The ultimate NFT glossary: all the terms any collectors should know

The ultimate NFT glossary: all the terms any collectors should know

This article provides a glossary of terms related to Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). It covers...

What are investment DAOs, and why are they important for investors?

What are investment DAOs, and why are they important for investors?

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are entities that pool and allocate resource...

What are social tokens and how do they redefine value in the creator economy?
Key Term

What are social tokens and how do they redefine value in the creator economy?

Social tokens are digital assets issued by creators to monetize their content and engage w...

What is NFT sniping and how does it work?
Key Term

What is NFT sniping and how does it work?

NFT sniping is the practice of swiftly identifying and acquiring newly listed or undervalu...

What is NFT Fashion and will it transform the industry?

What is NFT Fashion and will it transform the industry?

NFT Fashion refers to the creation and distribution of unique digital fashion items on the...

What is token gating and what are the benefits of doing it?
Key Term

What is token gating and what are the benefits of doing it?

Token gating is a method that Web3 communities use to provide token holders with access to...

What are the pros and cons of investing in NFTs?
Beginner's guide

What are the pros and cons of investing in NFTs?

NFTs present unique ownership and potential for royalties, but they also come with risks s...

Utility tokens vs. security tokens: what are the differences?

Utility tokens vs. security tokens: what are the differences?

Utility tokens provide access to a product or service within a specific blockchain ecosyst...

How‌ ‌is‌ ‌audius‌ decentralizing‌ ‌the‌ music‌ industry?‌

How‌ ‌is‌ ‌audius‌ decentralizing‌ ‌the‌ music‌ industry?‌

Audius is a decentralized music streaming platform that aims to provide a more equitable m...

All you need to know about virtual real estate and how to buy land in the metaverse

All you need to know about virtual real estate and how to buy land in the metaverse

Virtual real estate refers to digital properties in the metaverse, which can be acquired,...

5 applications of blockchain in the supply chain industry
Beginner's guide

5 applications of blockchain in the supply chain industry

Blockchain technology aims to increase transparency and trust in the supply chain industry...

Bitcoin block reward, block size, block time: what's the difference?
Beginner's guide

Bitcoin block reward, block size, block time: what's the difference?

Bitcoin block reward, block size, and block time are integral aspects of Bitcoin's blockch...

The tax implication of NFTs
Advanced Guide

Understanding the benefits of fractional ownership in NFTs

Fractional NFTs allow for shared ownership of a single, unique NFT, making it more accessi...

What is SocialFi?

What is the decentralized social media platform Farcaster?

Farcaster is a protocol that facilitates the creation and connection of social media apps....

Waga w równowadze z banknotami dolarowymi po jednej stronie i tokenem kryptowaluty po drugiej
Advanced Guide

Why do stablecoins depeg?

Stablecoins are digital assets designed to maintain a stable value, often linked to a spec...

Co to jest ethereum?
Beginner's guide

What is the difference between ethereum and ethereum classic?

Ethereum and Ethereum Classic are two separate blockchains that originated from the same p...

What are BRC-20 tokens?
Beginner's guide

Bitcoin whitepaper: simplified for everyone

The Bitcoin whitepaper, published in 2008 by an anonymous entity known as Satoshi Nakamoto...

What are gas fees?

Why are there so many cryptocurrencies and why do we need them?

The rise of cryptocurrencies is driven by the need for decentralized finance, the potentia...

How to use AI for crypto trading?
Advanced Guide

Is quantum computing a threat for crypto?

Quantum computing, a technology in development, could potentially affect the security of c...

Różne tokeny kryptowalut krążą wokół jednego dużego złotego tokena
Beginner's guide

Understanding the new meta of crypto points farming

Crypto points farming is a trend where users receive points for interacting with certain b...

Ręka wkładająca monetę do portfela kryptowalutowego
Kluczowy termin

Czym jest portfel kryptowalutowy?

Portfele kryptowalutowe przechowują Twoje klucze prywatne, co zapewnia bezpieczeństwo Twoi...