
Wat is crypto?

Een paar handen steken een digitale token in hun mobiele telefoon.

Bitcoin, Ethereum en andere crypto's brengen een radicale verandering teweeg in de manier waarop we beleggen, bankieren en geld gebruiken. Bekijk deze handleiding voor beginners voor meer informatie.

Crypto is in feite gedecentraliseerd digitaal geld dat is ontworpen om op internet te worden gebruikt. Bitcoin, gelanceerd in 2008, was de eerste crypto en blijft verreweg de grootste, meest invloedrijke en bekendste crypto. In het decennium daarna zijn Bitcoin en andere crypto's zoals Ethereum uitgegroeid tot digitale alternatieven voor geld dat overheden verstrekken.

  • De populairste crypto's zijn, op basis van marktkapitalisatie, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether en Solana. Voorbeelden van andere bekende crypto's zijn TezosEOS en ZCash. Sommige crypto's lijken op Bitcoin. Andere zijn gebaseerd op andere technologieën of bevatten nieuwe functies waarmee ze meer kunnen doen dan waarde overdragen.

  • Met crypto's kunt u waarde online overdragen zonder tussenkomst van een bank of betalingsverwerker, waardoor waarde wereldwijd, op elk moment en bijna onmiddellijk tegen lage kosten kan worden overgedragen.

  • Cryptovaluta's worden doorgaans niet verstrekt of gecontroleerd door overheden of andere centrale instanties. Ze worden beheerd door een peer-to-peernetwerk van computers met gratis opensourcesoftware. In principe kan iedereen deelnemen.

  • Hoe zijn crypto's veilig als er geen bank of overheid bij is betrokken? Crypto's zijn veilig omdat alle transacties worden gecontroleerd door een blockchain.

  • Een crypto-blockchain is vergelijkbaar met de balans of het grootboek van een bank. Elke valuta heeft zijn eigen blockchain: een doorlopend, voortdurend en continu opnieuw gecontroleerd dossier van elke afzonderlijke transactie die ooit in die valuta is gedaan.

  • Een cryptoblockchain is, in tegenstelling tot het grootboek van een bank,verdeeld over deelnemers van het gehele netwerk van de digitale valuta

  • Geen enkel bedrijf, land of derde partij heeft er controle over en iedereen kan meedoen. Een blockchain is een baanbrekende technologie die pas recentelijk mogelijk is dankzij decennia aan innovaties op het gebied van informatica en wiskunde.

Het belangrijkste is dat mensen met crypto's de volledige controle over hun activa hebben

De visie van Brian Armstrong, CEO van Coinbase, op de toekomst van crypto

Key concepts

Transferability Crypto makes transactions with people on the other side of the planet as seamless as paying with cash at your local grocery store.

Privacy When paying with cryptocurrency, you don’t need to provide unnecessary personal information to the merchant. Which means your financial information is protected from being shared with third parties like banks, payment services, advertisers, and credit-rating agencies. And because no sensitive information needs to be sent over the internet, there is very little risk of your financial information being compromised, or your identity being stolen.

Security Almost all cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tezos, and Bitcoin Cash are secured using technology called a blockchain, which is constantly checked and verified by a huge amount of computing power.

Portability Because your cryptocurrency holdings aren’t tied to a financial institution or government, they are available to you no matter where you are in the world or what happens to any of the global finance system’s major intermediaries.

Transparency Every transaction on the Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tezos, and Bitcoin Cash networks is published publicly, without exception. This means there's no room for manipulation of transactions, changing the money supply, or adjusting the rules mid-game.

Irreversibility Unlike a credit card payment, cryptocurrency payments can’t be reversed. For merchants, this hugely reduces the likelihood of being defrauded. For customers, it has the potential to make commerce cheaper by eliminating one of the major arguments credit card companies make for their high processing fees.

Safety The network powering Bitcoin has never been hacked. And the fundamental ideas behind cryptocurrencies help make them safe: the systems are permissionless and the core software is open-source, meaning countless computer scientists and cryptographers have been able to examine all aspects of the networks and their security.

Waarom is crypto de toekomst van de financiële sector?

Cryptocurrencies are the first alternative to the traditional banking system, and have powerful advantages over previous payment methods and traditional classes of assets. Think of them as Money 2.0. -- a new kind of cash that is native to the internet, which gives it the potential to be the fastest, easiest, cheapest, safest, and most universal way to exchange value that the world has ever seen.

  • Cryptocurrencies can be used to buy goods or services or held as part of an investment strategy, but they can’t be manipulated by any central authority, simply because there isn’t one. No matter what happens to a government, your cryptocurrency will remain secure.

  • Digital currencies provide equality of opportunity, regardless of where you were born or where you live. As long as you have a smartphone or another internet-connected device, you have the same crypto access as everyone else.

  • Cryptovaluta's creëren unieke mogelijkheden voor de toename van de wereldwijde economische vrijheid. De essentie van digitale valuta's is dat ze internationaal zijn, en dat maakt vrije handel mogelijk, zelfs in landen waar de overheid de financiën van inwoners streng controleert. Op plekken waar inflatie een groot probleem is, kunnen crypto's een alternatief bieden voor disfunctionele fiatvaluta's voor sparen en betalen.

  • Cryptovaluta kan als onderdeel van een bredere investeringsstrategie op verschillende manieren worden benaderd. Eén manier is om een crypto te kopen en te bewaren zoals bitcoin, dat van vrijwel waardeloos in 2008 naar duizenden dollars per munt is gestegen. U kunt ook voor een actievere strategie kiezen en crypto's die schommelen kopen en verkopen.

  • Een optie voor crypto-nieuwsgierige beleggers die het risico willen minimaliseren, is USD Coin, die 1:1 is gekoppeld aan de waarde van de Amerikaanse dollar. USD Coin combineert de voordelen van crypto, waaronder de mogelijkheid om snel en goedkoop internationaal geld over te maken, met de stabiliteit van een traditionele valuta. Coinbase-klanten met USDC verdienen beloningen, waardoor deze optie een aantrekkelijk alternatief is voor een traditionele spaarrekening.

Digitale valuta's bieden gelijke kansen, ongeacht waar u bent geboren of waar u woont.

Why invest in cryptocurrency?

Online exchanges like Coinbase have made buying and selling cryptocurrencies easy, secure, and rewarding.

  • It only takes a few minutes to create a secure account, and you can buy cryptocurrency using your debit card or bank account.

  • You can buy as little (or as much) crypto as you want, since you can buy fractional coins. For example, you can buy $25.00 worth of bitcoin.

  • Many digital currencies, including USD Coin and Tezos, offer holders rewards just for having them.

  • On Coinbase, you can earn 1% APY on— that’s much higher than most traditional savings accounts.

  • You can also earn up to 5% APY when you stake Tezos on Coinbase. Learn more about Tezos staking rewards.

  • Unlike stocks or bonds, you can easily transfer your cryptocurrency to anyone else or use it to pay for goods and services.

  • Millions of people hold bitcoin and other digital currencies as part of their investment portfolios.

What is a stablecoin?

USD Coin is an example of a cryptocurrency called stablecoins. You can think of these as crypto dollars—they’re designed to minimize volatility and maximize utility. Stablecoins offer some of the best attributes of cryptocurrency (seamless global transactions, security, and privacy) with the valuation stability of fiat currencies.

  • Stablecoins do this by pegging their value to an external factor, typically a fiat currency like the U.S. dollar or a commodity like gold.

  • As a result, their valuations are less likely to shift dramatically from day to day. That stability can increase their utility for everyday use as money, because both buyers and merchants can be confident that the value of their transaction will remain relatively consistent over a longer timeframe.

  • They can also work as a safe and stable way to save money, like a traditional savings account.

Belangrijke vraag

Hoe ziet de toekomst van crypto eruit?

Experts praten vaak over de manier waarop crypto's oplossingen kunnen bieden voor de tekortkomingen van ons huidige financiële systeem. Hoge kosten, identiteitsdiefstal en extreme economische ongelijkheid maken helaas onderdeel uit van ons huidige financiële systeem, maar crypto's kunnen dit mogelijk oplossen. De technologie achter digitale valuta's heeft ook veel potentie buiten de financiële sector, van revolutionaire toeleveringsketens tot de opzet van het nieuwe, gedecentraliseerde internet.

Hoe werkt crypto?

Bitcoin is the first and most well-known, but there are thousands of types of cryptocurrencies. Many, like Litecoin and Bitcoin Cash, share Bitcoin’s core characteristics but explore new ways to process transactions. Others offer a wider range of features. Ethereum, for example, can be used to run applications and create contracts. All four, however, are based on an idea called the blockchain, which is key to understanding how cryptocurrency works.

  • At its most basic, a blockchain is a list of transactions that anyone can view and verify. The Bitcoin blockchain, for example, is a record of every time someone sends or receives bitcoin. This list of transactions is fundamental for most cryptocurrencies because it enables secure payments to be made between people who don’t know each other without having to go through a third-party verifier like a bank.

  • Blockchain technology is also exciting because it has many uses beyond cryptocurrency. Blockchains are being used to explore medical research, improve the sharing of healthcare records, streamline supply chains, increase privacy on the internet, and so much more.

  • The principles behind both bitcoin and the Bitcoin blockchain first appeared online in a white-paper published in late 2007 by a person or group going by the name Satoshi Nakamoto.

  • The blockchain ledger is split across all the computers on the network, which are constantly verifying that the blockchain is accurate.This means there is no central vault, entity, or database that can be hacked, stolen, or manipulated.

Key concept

Cryptocurrencies use a technology called public-private key cryptography to transfer coin ownership on a secure and distributed ledger. A private key is an ultra secure password that never needs to be shared with anyone, with which you can send value on the network. An associated public key can be freely and safely shared with others to receive value on the network. From the public key, it is impossible for anyone to guess your private key.

What is cryptocurrency mining?

Most cryptocurrencies are ‘mined’ via a decentralized (also known as peer-to-peer) network of computers. But mining doesn’t just generate more bitcoin or Ethereum - it’s also the mechanism that updates and secures the network by constantly verifying the public blockchain ledger and adding new transactions.

  • Technically, anyone with a computer and an internet connection can become a miner. But before you get excited, it’s worth noting that mining is not always profitable. Depending on which cryptocurrency you’re mining, how fast your computer is, and the cost of electricity in your area, you may end up spending more on mining than you earn back in cryptocurrency.

  • As a result, most crypto mining these days is done by companies that specialize in it, or by large groups of individuals who all contribute their computing power.

  • How does the network encourage miners to participate in maintaining the blockchain? Again, taking Bitcoin as an example, the network holds a lottery in which all the mining rigs around the world race to become the first to solve a math problem, which also verifies and updates the blockchain with new transactions. Each winner is awarded new bitcoin, which can then make its way into the broader marketplace.

Belangrijke vraag

Waarop is de waarde van crypto's gebaseerd?

Net als voor alle goederen en diensten wordt de economische waarde van crypto bepaald op basis van vraag en aanbod.

Aanbod verwijst naar de beschikbare hoeveelheid, zoals hoeveel bitcoins er beschikbaar zijn op een specifiek moment. Vraag verwijst naar de wens om de crypto te bezitten, zoals hoeveel mensen bitcoins willen kopen en hoe graag ze dat willen. De waarde van een crypto bestaat altijd uit een balans tussen deze factoren.

Er zijn ook andere soorten waarden. Er is bijvoorbeeld de waarde die u krijgt bij het gebruik van een crypto. Veel mensen vinden het leuk om crypto's uit te geven of cadeau te doen. Ze voelen zich trots dat ze een nieuw financieel systeem ondersteunen. Sommige mensen geven bitcoins graag uit tijdens het winkelen, omdat ze de lage kosten waarderen en bedrijven willen aanmoedigen om crypto's te accepteren.

Bitcoin en andere crypto's kopen

The easiest way to acquire cryptocurrency is to purchase on an online exchange like Coinbase.

  • On Coinbase, you can buy major cryptocurrencies like

    Bitcoin (BTC)Litecoin (LTC)Ethereum (ETH)Bitcoin Cash (BCH)Ethereum Classic (ETC). Or you can explore emerging coins like Stellar Lumens or EOS. For some cryptocurrencies Coinbase offers opportunities to earn some for free.)

  • One good approach is to ask yourself what you’re hoping to do with crypto and choose the currency that will help you achieve your goals. For example, if you want to buy a laptop with crypto, bitcoin might be a good option because it is the most widely accepted cryptocurrency. On the other hand, if you want to play a digital card game, then Ethereum is a popular choice.

  • Keep in mind that you do not need to buy a whole coin. On Coinbase, you can buy portions of coins in increments as little as 2 dollars, euros, pounds, or your local currency.

How do you store cryptocurrency?

Storing crypto is similar to storing cash, which means you need to protect it from theft and loss. There are many ways to store crypto both online and off, but the simplest solution is via a trusted, secure exchange like Coinbase.

  • Coinbase customers can securely store, send, receive, and convert crypto by signing into their account on a computer, tablet, or phone.

  • Want to transfer money from your wallet to a bank account? The Coinbase app makes it as easy as transferring funds from one bank to another. (Much like conventional bank transfers or ATM withdrawals, exchanges like Coinbase set a daily limit, and it might take from a few days to a week for the transaction to be completed.

What can you do with cryptocurrency?

There’s a wide range of things you can do with cryptocurrency, and the list grows with time. Here are a few ways to get started, from participating in everyday activities to exploring new technological frontiers:

  • Shop: Over 8,000 global merchants accept cryptocurrency via Coinbase Commerce.

  • Donate to causesThere are benefits to donating and accepting crypto, and many nonprofit organizations accept bitcoin donations.

  • Gift it: Cryptocurrency makes a great gift for friends and family who are interested in learning about new technology.

  • Tip someone: Authors, musicians, and other online content creators sometimes leave Bitcoin addresses or QR codes at the end of their articles. If you like their work, you can give a little crypto as a way of saying thanks.

  • Explore unique new combinations of money and technology: Orchid is a VPN, which helps protect you when you’re online, and a digital currency at the same time. Basically it’s broken down into two parts, the Orchid VPN app and the OXT cryptocurrency, and it all runs on the Ethereum network. Intrigued? Read more here.

  • Travel the world: Because cryptocurrency isn’t tied to a specific country, traveling with crypto can cut down on money exchange fees. There’s already a small but thriving community of self-titled “crypto nomads” who primarily, or in some cases exclusively, spend crypto when they travel.

  • Buy property in a virtual gaming world: Decentraland, which also runs on the Ethereum blockchain, is the first virtual world entirely owned by its users. Users can buy and sell land, avatar clothing, and all kinds of other stuff while partying in virtual nightclubs or mingling in virtual art galleries.

  • Explore decentralized finance, or DeFi: A wide variety of new players are aiming to recreate the entire global financial system, from mutual-fund-like investments to loan-lending mechanisms and way beyond, without any central authorities.

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We zijn de meest vertrouwde plek voor mensen en bedrijven om crypto te kopen, te verkopen en te beheren.