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数据来自 CoinMarketCap 和其他第三方。我们不保证所提供数据的准确性。 了解更多

Augur 商标



关于 Augur

Augur’s Reputation token (REP) is an Ethereum token designed for reporting and disputing the outcome of events on online prediction markets. Reporters are rewarded for reporting the outcome of events correctly.

Augur (REP) is a decentralized platform that utilizes the collective wisdom of the crowd through prediction markets. It operates on the Ethereum blockchain and is governed by holders of the Reputation token (REP). Augur enables users to speculate on the outcomes of various events, from company performance to election results and natural phenomena. Users can acquire shares that either support or refute the proposed outcomes of these events. The platform is designed to return fees to market participants and automate payouts, with the aim of providing a system that is fair, open, and completely decentralized.

Augur operates as a peer-to-peer, decentralized platform, enabling universal and transparent access to its markets. It is powered by Ethereum, which allows for automated payouts that no individual or organization, including Augur itself, can interfere with. Users can create their own prediction markets using the Augur protocol. The outcomes of these markets are reported by REP holders who stake their tokens on the correct outcomes. If they report correctly, they receive a portion of the market's settlement fees. If they report incorrectly, they lose their REP. This mechanism aims to incentivize accurate reporting and helps maintain the integrity of the platform.

Augur aims to provide a global, no-limit betting platform where users can speculate on a wide range of events. These include sports outcomes, economic trends, world events, and more. The platform strives to offer users more control over their winnings through low fees and competitive odds. Augur also aims to provide a solution to the spread of incorrect information by giving people a financial incentive to seek the truth. Furthermore, Augur can be utilized by developers, projects, and companies to build on its protocol, expanding its potential use cases.

Augur was launched in July 2018 by the Forecast Foundation, a group of developers and technology professionals passionate about the potential of decentralized applications. The Forecast Foundation does not own or lead Augur, but rather supports and develops the free, open-source protocol. Since its launch, Augur has undergone several updates and improvements. For instance, the REP token was migrated to REPv2 to support new functionalities in the Augur protocol. The Forecast Foundation has been working on the development of the Augur protocol, with the aim of advancing transparent, open, and financially sound markets.



数据来自 CoinMarketCap 和其他第三方。我们不保证所提供数据的准确性。 了解更多



成交量(24 小时)



1100.0万 REP








价格变动(1 小时)


价格变化(1 天)


价格变化(1 周)


价格变动(2 周)


价格变化(1 个月)


价格变动(1 年)



Augur 在社交媒体上的一些亮点

共有 122 个人在讨论 Augur,在所收集帖子中按最多提及和活动量计算排名第 940。在过去 24 小时内,Augur 在所有社交媒体平台上的平均情绪得分为 3.4(满分为 5 分)。 最后,Augur 越来越具有新闻价值,有 0 篇关于 Augur 的新闻报道发表。 与昨天的新闻量相比增加了 0%。

在 Twitter 上,人们大多对 Augur 持看涨情绪。 6.25% 的推文对 Augur 持看跌情绪,相比之下,84.38% 的推文对该资产持看涨情绪。9.38% 的推文对 Augur 持中立情绪。这些情绪值根据 32 条推文统计得出。

在 Reddit 上,有 0 篇 Reddit 帖子提及 Augur,并且有 0 条评论涉及 Augur。 平均而言,Reddit 帖子的赞成票多于反对票,Reddit 评论中的赞成票也多于反对票。

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122 人


37 个帖子






3.4 分(满分 5 分)


Augur 本周呈上升趋势。

Augur 的价格在过去一小时内increased了 0.48%,在过去 24 小时内decreased了 0.68%。Augur 的价格在过去一周内也risen了 1.14%。 当前价格为每枚 REP US$0.83,24 小时交易量为 US$56.47万。 目前,Augur 的估值相比其 US$123.24 的历史最高价位低 99.33%。这是 Augur 自推出以来的最高价位。

Augur 当前的流通供应量为 11,000,000 REP,这意味着 Augur 的总市值为 11,000,000。



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Augur的当前市值为 US$909.45万。高市值意味着该资产在市场上的价值很高。

Augur 的历史最高价位是多少?

Augur的历史最高价位是 US$123.24。这是Augur自推出以来的最高价格。

Augur的 24 小时交易量是多少?

在过去 24 小时内,Augur的交易量为 US$56.47万。


与Augur具有相似市值的资产包括Ethereum, Tether, BNB和许多其他资产。要查看完整列表,请参阅我们的可比市值资产


Augur的当前流通供应量是 1100万。


Augur在 Coinbase 上的可交易资产中排名 143。受欢迎程度目前基于相对市值。

我可以在 Coinbase 上购买 Augur 吗?

可以,Coinbase 钱包上目前提供 Augur。有关更详细的说明,请查看我们实用的如何购买Augur指南。