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Coinbase 徽标

DYOR Token (DYOR) 无法在 Coinbase 上交易。

数据来自 CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko 和其他第三方。我们不保证所提供数据的准确性。 了解更多

DYOR Token 商标

DYOR Token


关于 DYOR Token

DYOR Token is a decentralized cryptocurrency that seeks to empower a crypto community to avoid fraudulent activities in the crypto market. DYOR is the acronym of Do Your Own Research. The DYOR community seeks to empower traders by educating them about the legitimacy of any cryptocurrency project. Also, the community aims to teach traders about rugpulls and honeypots. Rugpulls happen when crypto projects are created and abruptly shut down to scam people, whereas honeypots are flawed smart contracts created to drain target's cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency has been one hot-red commodity in recent years and has attracted thousands of traders. Due to its popularity, cryptocurrency has attracted many scammers and fraudulent projects. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is easy to design, and people create a cryptocurrency with the sole motive of scamming traders. The whitepaper suggests DYOR seeks to solve the problem by investigating new projects, coins, and tokens. The project aims to spread as much information as possible to educate traders about identifying projects with good or bad intentions.

Moreover, DYOR aims to be a one-stop shop for a crypto project background check. The DYOR community has a discord channel where everyone can bring tokens or coins for scam-proof reviews. Everyone interested in the crypto world can join the track and participate in the DYOR movement.

Some of the key points of DYOR seek to be the following:

DYOR is the token of the community and can be used for accessing DYOR tools to avoid crypto scams. Every DYOR transaction is subjected to 10% transaction fees. Out of 10%, 7% is added to the liquidity pool, and the remaining 3% is redistributed among token holders.

DYOR was founded in 2021 by the victims of crypto scams. The litepaper was also released in 2021.



数据来自 CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko 和其他第三方。我们不保证所提供数据的准确性。 了解更多



成交量(24 小时)



793.7亿 DYOR




价格变动(1 小时)


价格变化(1 天)


价格变化(1 周)


价格变动(2 周)


价格变化(1 个月)


价格变动(1 年)



DYOR Token 计算器

DYOR Token 本周呈上升趋势。

当前价格为每枚 DYOR US$0.00000236,24 小时交易量为 US$17.14。 目前,DYOR Token 的估值相比其 US$0.000027 的历史最高价位低 91.37%。这是 DYOR Token 自推出以来的最高价位。

DYOR Token 当前的流通供应量为 79,365,788,117.232 DYOR,这意味着 DYOR Token 的总市值为 79,365,788,117.232。


DYOR Token的当前价格是多少?

我们实时将 DYOR Token 更新为 USD 货币。通过 Coinbase 获取最新 DYOR Token 价格

DYOR Token的市值是多少?

DYOR Token的当前市值为 US$18.74万。高市值意味着该资产在市场上的价值很高。

DYOR Token 的历史最高价位是多少?

DYOR Token的历史最高价位是 US$0.000027。这是DYOR Token自推出以来的最高价格。

DYOR Token的 24 小时交易量是多少?

在过去 24 小时内,DYOR Token的交易量为 US$17.14。

还有哪些类似于DYOR Token的资产?

与DYOR Token具有相似市值的资产包括Tourism Industry Metaverse, Morphex, CENTER COIN和许多其他资产。要查看完整列表,请参阅我们的可比市值资产

有多少DYOR Token?

DYOR Token的当前流通供应量是 794亿。

我可以在 Coinbase 上购买 DYOR Token 吗?

可以,Coinbase 钱包上目前提供 DYOR Token。有关更详细的说明,请查看我们实用的如何购买DYOR Token指南。