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数据来自 CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko 和其他第三方。我们不保证所提供数据的准确性。 了解更多

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关于 humanDAO

HumanDAO (HDAO) is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that aims to improve human life by promoting choices outside the local economy and connecting them to new opportunities in the decentralized digital economy or metaverse. As per the platform’s official document, help can be in the form of education, jobs, funding, or loans. It acts as a kind of job board, education center, and opportunity zone for the metaverse and the new digital gig economy.

In HumanDAO, people can learn about the crypto ecosystem and its opportunities, develop their knowledge and skills, find jobs, or lend out assets. The platform aims to leverage new crypto platforms and emerge innovative business models to create revenue streams that benefit its stakeholders and users.

An innovative business model is the ability to lend assets securely. The prime example is play-to-earn (P2E) games. HumanDAO lends non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to community members in an ISA (Income Sharing Agreement) style agreement. The NFTs allow members to participate in P2E crypto games. Users earn crypto tokens through the game to exchange for local currencies. In order to lend NFTs, humanDAO takes a percentage of the tokens earned.

HumanDAO has launched a governance token with an aim to incentivize growth and decentralize the network. The protocol is automated by smart contracts dictated by DAO consensus based on governance proposals and voting by a distributed network of token holders. Through the power of tokens, people can access the value of the entire community. Tokens represent voting rights in the DAO and utility for the entire humanDAO network.

Christopher Chase is the founder of HumanDAO. The other team members include Mona Elisa, Enzyme Avantegarde; Defi Dad, YRC Capital; R Ross Campbell, LexDao; Diana Chen, Rabbithole; Above Average Joe, BanklessDao; and Tyrone V Ross, Ornamp Invest. According to the whitepaper, the total supply of the HDAO token is 1,000,000,000.



数据来自 CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko 和其他第三方。我们不保证所提供数据的准确性。 了解更多



成交量(24 小时)



6774.5万 HDAO




价格变动(1 小时)


价格变化(1 天)


价格变化(1 周)


价格变动(2 周)


价格变化(1 个月)


价格变动(1 年)


humanDAO 本周呈上升趋势。

当前价格为每枚 HDAO US$0.0049,24 小时交易量为 US$905.23。 目前,humanDAO 的估值相比其 US$0.0065 的历史最高价位低 25.07%。这是 humanDAO 自推出以来的最高价位。

humanDAO 当前的流通供应量为 67,744,767.866 HDAO,这意味着 humanDAO 的总市值为 67,744,767.866。



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humanDAO的当前市值为 US$32.91万。高市值意味着该资产在市场上的价值很高。

humanDAO 的历史最高价位是多少?

humanDAO的历史最高价位是 US$0.0065。这是humanDAO自推出以来的最高价格。

humanDAO的 24 小时交易量是多少?

在过去 24 小时内,humanDAO的交易量为 US$905.23。


与humanDAO具有相似市值的资产包括Lucky7, Moomonster, MEFLEX和许多其他资产。要查看完整列表,请参阅我们的可比市值资产


humanDAO的当前流通供应量是 6774万。

我可以在 Coinbase 上购买 humanDAO 吗?

可以,Coinbase 钱包上目前提供 humanDAO。有关更详细的说明,请查看我们实用的如何购买humanDAO指南。