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Coinbase 徽标

Cap (CAP) 无法在 Coinbase 上交易。

数据来自 CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko 和其他第三方。我们不保证所提供数据的准确性。 了解更多

Cap 商标



关于 Cap

Cap (CAP) is a decentralized trading protocol that strives to be both powerful and user-friendly. It enables users to trade crypto and forex perpetuals directly from their Web3 wallets, using ETH or USDC as collateral for their orders. CAP offers three levels of participation based on risk tolerance: trading, pooling, and staking. Trading is for active participants who can handle high leverage and volatility. Pooling is for liquidity providers seeking compensation with some degree of risk. Staking is for those who believe in the long-term prospects of the protocol and seek compensation with low risk. CAP's native token holders receive 35% of fees and can collect rewards directly in ETH or USDC.

Cap operates on a decentralized trading protocol, allowing users to trade directly from their Web3 wallets. Users can go long to benefit from prices rising or short to benefit from prices falling, with leverage up to 100x to multiply potential benefits and losses. Users can also pool funds to earn compensation by providing ETH or USDC liquidity to traders. Pools distribute benefits to traders and receive traders losses plus 40% of fees. Users can also stake CAP, the protocol's native token, to receive 35% of fees. Rewards are based on trading volume and can be collected directly in ETH or USDC.

Cap aims to democratize participation in free markets. It offers a range of potential use cases for different types of users. Active traders can leverage the protocol's high-risk, high-reward trading opportunities. Liquidity providers can pool funds for medium-risk, medium-term rewards. Long-term investors can stake CAP tokens for low-risk, long-term rewards. The protocol's transparency and flexibility allow users to participate based on their own level of risk tolerance, making it a versatile tool in the cryptocurrency space.

Cap was launched with the goal of enabling everyone to partake in the opportunities made possible by free markets. Since its inception, the protocol has been designed to be powerful and easy to use, allowing users to trade crypto and forex perpetuals directly from their Web3 wallets. The protocol has been time-tested with a grand total of $0 hacked or lost since its launch, indicating its security measures. The Cap protocol has been running in production since 2021 and secures billions of dollars in assets.



数据来自 CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko 和其他第三方。我们不保证所提供数据的准确性。 了解更多



成交量(24 小时)



10.0万 CAP




价格变动(1 小时)


价格变化(1 天)


价格变化(1 周)


价格变动(2 周)


价格变化(1 个月)


价格变动(1 年)






在过去 24 小时内,coinbase.com 上唯一页面浏览量变化最大的资产。


按市值排名前 50 位的精选加密货币。



Cap 本周呈上升趋势。

当前价格为每枚 CAP S$5.13,24 小时交易量为 S$0.00。 目前,Cap 的估值相比其 S$1,146.07 的历史最高价位低 99.55%。这是 Cap 自推出以来的最高价位。

Cap 当前的流通供应量为 100,000 CAP,这意味着 Cap 的总市值为 100,000。



我们实时将 Cap 更新为 SGD 货币。通过 Coinbase 获取最新 Cap 价格


Cap的当前市值为 S$51.32万。高市值意味着该资产在市场上的价值很高。

Cap 的历史最高价位是多少?

Cap的历史最高价位是 S$1,146.07。这是Cap自推出以来的最高价格。

Cap的 24 小时交易量是多少?

在过去 24 小时内,Cap的交易量为 S$0.00。


与Cap具有相似市值的资产包括SmartMoney, Mantle Staked Ether, Inery和许多其他资产。要查看完整列表,请参阅我们的可比市值资产


Cap的当前流通供应量是 10万。

我可以在 Coinbase 上购买 Cap 吗?

可以,Coinbase 钱包上目前提供 Cap。有关更详细的说明,请查看我们实用的如何购买Cap指南。