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Coinbase 標誌

Doge Token (DOGET) 不可在 Coinbase 上交易。

資料來源於CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko和其他第三方。我們不對所提供資料的準確性做出任何陳述。 詳細瞭解

Doge Token 標誌

Doge Token


關於 Doge Token

Doge Token (DOGET) aims to be a revival of Dogecoin, a meme-based token in terms of security. Dogecoin can be understood as a fun alternative to traditional cryptocurrencies based on an internet joke. Doge Token deploys the Stellar blockchain technology. According to the platform, Stellar is one of the fastest-growing blockchains, and through Stellar, Doge Token self-proclaims to be more than just a hobby-driven token and aims to be advanced and secure.

According to the whitepaper, Doge Token aims to solve the issues of scalability that Dogecoin faces. The issues pertaining to transactions, both in magnitude and value, tend to waste more electricity to power the technology. Ultimately, the process impacts the environment and offers reduced mining rewards. Since Stellar is environmentally sustainable, it does not employ proof-of-work (PoW) mining. PoW is an energy-intensive consensus mechanism of cryptocurrency that uses a lot of energy to validate new transactions, add them to the blockchain, and produce new tokens. Stellar’s consensus method does not involve the approval of the whole miner network. Instead, it employs the Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA) method, which allows for speedier transaction processing. As a result, Doge Token aims to make use of Stellar’s increased transaction speed and lower transaction costs without sacrificing security.

Doge Token endeavors to be invulnerable to 51% attacks. Hypothetically, a 51% attack is an attack on a blockchain by a team of miners who has command of over 50% of the hash rate or computing power. The attacker or a group of attackers tends to disrupt the mechanism of recording new blocks by influencing the majority of the computational power on the network. Accordingly, the platform aims to have a trusted ecosystem and claims that any application built on top of Stellar with Doge Tokens may be readily audited by developers.

The official ticker of the Doge Token is DOGET. The Doge Token aims to airdrop DOGET to holders of various tokens. In the crypto community, an airdrop is a practice of delivering coins or tokens to wallet addresses in order to raise awareness of new digital currencies. These tokens are delivered, typically in exchange for a small service fee to the wallets of active members of the blockchain community. 

The platform partners with Stellar-based offerings such as Stellarport, Stellarterm, Lobstr, and more, according to Doge Token.

The Doge token reports a total supply of 10,000,000,000 DOGET. All the tokens were created at the launch.



資料來源於CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko和其他第三方。我們不對所提供資料的準確性做出任何陳述。 詳細瞭解



成交量(24 小時)







價格變化(1 小時)


價格變動(1 天)


價格變動(1 週)


價格變動 (2 週)


價格變動(1 個月)


價格變動 (1 年)


Doge Token 本週呈上升趨勢。

Doge Token 的價格在過去一小時內increased了 100.00%,在過去 24 小時內increased了 100.00%。Doge Token 的價格在過去一週也risen了 100.00%。 目前的價格為 US$0.000085/DOGET,24 小時交易量為 US$329.66。 目前,Doge Token 的價值比其 US$0.000123 的歷史新高低 30.75%。這一歷史新高是自 Doge Token 推出以來的最高價格。

Doge Token 目前的流通供應量為 0 DOGET,這表示 Doge Token 的總市值為 0。


Doge Token 目前的價格是多少?

我們實時將 Doge Token 更新為 USD 貨幣。在 Coinbase 上獲取 Doge Token 的實時價格

Doge Token 的市值是多少?

Doge Token 目前的市值為 US$0.00。高市值意味著資產受到市場的高度重視。

Doge Token 的歷史最高紀錄是多少?

Doge Token 的歷史最高紀錄是 US$0.000123。這是自從 Doge Token 推出以來的最高價格。

Doge Token 的 24 小時交易量是多少?

在過去 24 小時中,Doge Token 的交易量為 US$329.66。

還有哪些與 Doge Token 類似的資產?

與 Doge Token 市值相似的資產包括 Ethereum, Tether, BNB 和許多其他資產。若要查看完整清單,請參閱我們的可比市值資產

有多少個 Doge Token?

Doge Token 目前的循環供應量為 0。

我是否能在 Coinbase 上買入 Doge Token?

否,目前在 Coinbase 上無法交易 Doge Token,但您可以註冊以獲取關於 Doge Token 的最新消息,並在它被增加到我們的交易所時收到通知。