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Coinbase 標誌

Mysterium (MYST) 不可在 Coinbase 上交易。

資料來源於CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko和其他第三方。我們不對所提供資料的準確性做出任何陳述。 詳細瞭解

Mysterium 標誌



關於 Mysterium

The Mysterium platform is an open-source ecosystem that comprises tools, protocols, and infrastructure to liberate the internet. As mentioned in the whitepaper, the Mysterium platform aims to provide citizens in the world unrestricted access to applications and content. Mysterium is also a permission-less, peer-to-peer network that does not rely on a central authority.

Today, internet users are restricted from using applications and services due to censorship implemented by different agenda groups across the world. Also, internet and content service providers cannot examine, track, and profile the users through the internet. Users' regular internet activity and communications are merged and traded to advertisers without their consent. Due to intellectual property restrictions, some users of certain areas are denied access to content by their content providers. Moreover, there is a lack of funds for research, execution, and maintenance of tools for restoring the confidentiality of internet users. Thus, these problems created the need for the Mysterium platform that aims to build a trustless, distributed, and sustainable network that can offer open access and confidentiality to every internet user. The platform seeks to connect projects, entrepreneurs, and developers, all working on the borderless web.

In addition, the platform aims to offer users to earn cryptocurrency by trading their additional bandwidth whenever they find it suitable. There is no technical skill required for users to run a node, a computer that connects to the crypto network. Users can also connect to their homes from any place they want. Every transaction of payment contracts is preserved in a public ledger formed on the Ethereumblockchain, which makes it accessible for users to read. 

The token issued at the time of Mysterium’s creation is known as the Mysterium token, with the symbol MYST. 

MYST token is censorship resistant and seeks to support various apps and functions, securing the network from any attacks. The token holders benefit by getting a commission for every transaction on the platform, with payments being carried out in currencies apart from MYST. MYST also supports the staking mechanism in the network and enables users to pay for VPN (virtual private network) services - a private network from a public internet connection, giving users online privacy and anonymity. Users can also use MYST to pay others all over the world when they link to their IP address, rather than paying a monthly VPN subscription to unblock apps and websites.

RobertasVis and Waldz are the founders of the platform. In 2017, the idea of a decentralized VPN was born with the launch of headquarters in Switzerland. The token creation of Mysterium also took place in 2017. Later in 2021, the platform began its evolution into an ecosystem with a new aim.



資料來源於CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko和其他第三方。我們不對所提供資料的準確性做出任何陳述。 詳細瞭解



成交量(24 小時)



2003.4万 MYST




價格變化(1 小時)


價格變動(1 天)


價格變動(1 週)


價格變動 (2 週)


價格變動(1 個月)


價格變動 (1 年)






Coinbase.com 上在過去 24 個小時以內無重複頁面瀏覽次數變化最大的資產


按市值排名的前 50 名精選加密貨幣。




在 Coinbase 上的所有資產中,這 12 種資產的市值最接近 Mysterium。

Mysterium 本週呈上升趨勢。

Mysterium 的價格在過去一小時內decreased了 0.83%,在過去 24 小時內increased了 0.00%。Mysterium 的價格在過去一週也risen了 18.10%。 目前的價格為 US$0.15/MYST,24 小時交易量為 US$7.50万。 目前,Mysterium 的價值比其 US$5.65 的歷史新高低 97.31%。這一歷史新高是自 Mysterium 推出以來的最高價格。

Mysterium 目前的流通供應量為 20,033,628 MYST,這表示 Mysterium 的總市值為 20,033,628。


Mysterium 目前的價格是多少?

我們實時將 Mysterium 更新為 USD 貨幣。在 Coinbase 上獲取 Mysterium 的實時價格

Mysterium 的市值是多少?

Mysterium 目前的市值為 US$304.24万。高市值意味著資產受到市場的高度重視。

Mysterium 的歷史最高紀錄是多少?

Mysterium 的歷史最高紀錄是 US$5.65。這是自從 Mysterium 推出以來的最高價格。

Mysterium 的 24 小時交易量是多少?

在過去 24 小時中,Mysterium 的交易量為 US$7.50万。

還有哪些與 Mysterium 類似的資產?

與 Mysterium 市值相似的資產包括 Drawshop Kingdom Reverse, ACENT, v.systems 和許多其他資產。若要查看完整清單,請參閱我們的可比市值資產

有多少個 Mysterium?

Mysterium 目前的循環供應量為 2003万。

我是否能在 Coinbase 上買入 Mysterium?

是,Coinbase Wallet 目前提供 Mysterium。關於更詳細的說明,請查看我們有用的如何購買 Mysterium 指南。