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Coinbase 標誌

Primecoin (XPM) 不可在 Coinbase 上交易。

資料來源於CoinMarketCap和其他第三方。我們不對所提供資料的準確性做出任何陳述。 詳細瞭解

Primecoin 標誌



關於 Primecoin

Primecoin (XPM) is an innovative cryptocurrency, a digital currency secured through cryptography and issued via a decentralized mining market. Primecoin relies on peer-to-peer technology and operates with no central authority; thus, the platform collectively carries out the issue of funds and managing transactions.

The platform is derived from Bitcoin, which utilizes a unique mechanism based on prime numbers and scientific computing. The mechanism also enables the platform to process payment transactions at a great pace. Primecoin relies on peer-to-peer technology and operates with no central authority; thus, the issue of money and managing transactions are collectively carried out by the platform.

The Primecoin network utilizes a proof-of-work mechanism that provides security and minting to the network. Minting refers to validating information, creating a new block, or recording data on the blockchain. The mechanism also generates a unique form of special prime number chains of interest to the mathematical research, and the network becomes more energy-multiuse. 

XPM is the official cryptocurrency of the Primecoin platform. The user can mine XPM tokens and trade the tokens with trustworthy markets. The user has to download and install the Primecoin wallet to the PC or Linux computer to start mining the coins.

The Prime chain is also connected to the block hash function to ensure the security property of Bitcoin. At the same time, a simultaneous scheme of difficulty evaluation allows the prime chain to act as adjustable-difficulty, proof-of-work in a cryptocurrency. Furthermore, work needs to be verified by all the nodes in the network to act as proof-of-work for cryptocurrency. The primes should not be too large as it becomes harder to find a prime chain as the chain length increases. Therefore, the Primecoin utilizes a Cunningham chain of the first and second kind, and bi-twin chain and the primes in the prime chain are subjected to maximum size protocol, which ensures efficient verification through all nodes.

As per its whitepaper published on July 7th, 2013, Sunny King is the official founder of the Primecoin platform.



資料來源於CoinMarketCap和其他第三方。我們不對所提供資料的準確性做出任何陳述。 詳細瞭解



成交量(24 小時)



5000.7万 XPM




價格變化(1 小時)


價格變動(1 天)


價格變動(1 週)


價格變動 (2 週)


價格變動(1 個月)


價格變動 (1 年)






Coinbase.com 上在過去 24 個小時以內無重複頁面瀏覽次數變化最大的資產


按市值排名的前 50 名精選加密貨幣。




在 Coinbase 上的所有資產中,這 12 種資產的市值最接近 Primecoin。

Primecoin 本週呈上升趨勢。

Primecoin 的價格在過去一小時內increased了 0.43%,在過去 24 小時內increased了 2.61%。Primecoin 的價格在過去一週也risen了 2.73%。 目前的價格為 US$0.0316/XPM,24 小時交易量為 US$581.93。 目前,Primecoin 的價值比其 US$7.58 的歷史新高低 99.58%。這一歷史新高是自 Primecoin 推出以來的最高價格。

Primecoin 目前的流通供應量為 50,007,255.337 XPM,這表示 Primecoin 的總市值為 50,007,255.337。


Primecoin 目前的價格是多少?

我們實時將 Primecoin 更新為 USD 貨幣。在 Coinbase 上獲取 Primecoin 的實時價格

Primecoin 的市值是多少?

Primecoin 目前的市值為 US$157.92万。高市值意味著資產受到市場的高度重視。

Primecoin 的歷史最高紀錄是多少?

Primecoin 的歷史最高紀錄是 US$7.58。這是自從 Primecoin 推出以來的最高價格。

Primecoin 的 24 小時交易量是多少?

在過去 24 小時中,Primecoin 的交易量為 US$581.93。

還有哪些與 Primecoin 類似的資產?

與 Primecoin 市值相似的資產包括 Mars Token, Internet of Energy Network, Crust Shadow 和許多其他資產。若要查看完整清單,請參閱我們的可比市值資產

有多少個 Primecoin?

Primecoin 目前的循環供應量為 5001万。

我是否能在 Coinbase 上買入 Primecoin?

否,目前在 Coinbase 上無法交易 Primecoin,但您可以註冊以獲取關於 Primecoin 的最新消息,並在它被增加到我們的交易所時收到通知。