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Coinbase 標誌

SunContract (SNC) 不可在 Coinbase 上交易。

資料來源於CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko和其他第三方。我們不對所提供資料的準確性做出任何陳述。 詳細瞭解

SunContract 標誌



關於 SunContract

SunContract (SNC) is a blockchain-based platform that aims to decentralize the energy sector with a focus on improving the welfare of individuals. The platform's business model connects peers directly in an open energy marketplace, eliminating intermediaries and enabling peer-to-peer (P2P) electricity trading. SunContract strives to empower individuals, particularly homeowners, to freely buy, sell, or trade electricity. The platform is currently being implemented in Slovenia. Through the platform, Slovenian households are experiencing reductions in electricity costs while also choosing sustainable energy sources.

SunContract operates by directly connecting electricity producers and consumers into an electricity pool based on smart contracts. These smart contracts are blockchain-based programs that aim to provide trust and security, potentially improving upon traditional contract law, and reduce other transaction costs associated with contracting. The platform allows energy producers and consumers to determine the bid and the asking price of electricity, at which they would be willing to sell or buy. Trading algorithms and smart contracts then perform the matching and settlement. The minimum and maximum prices of electricity are determined by the contracts for electricity sold and bought outside the pool.

SunContract's primary use case is in the energy sector, where it aims to decentralize energy production and consumption. The platform allows individuals, especially homeowners, to buy, sell, or trade electricity freely. This can lead to cost reductions for households and a shift towards more sustainable energy sources. Additionally, SunContract's model of direct peer-to-peer electricity trading may influence traditional energy markets by eliminating the need for intermediaries. This could lead to greater efficiency and transparency in the energy sector, and potentially contribute to greater independence when it comes to energy.

SunContract was established with the goal of decentralizing the energy sector and tailoring it to improve the welfare of individuals. The company's business model, which directly connects peers in an open energy marketplace, was designed to eliminate intermediaries and enable peer-to-peer electricity trading. The project was first implemented in Slovenia and intends to expand into other countries. The platform has been operational since 2018, and Slovenian households using the platform have experienced reductions in electricity costs while also choosing more sustainable energy sources.



資料來源於CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko和其他第三方。我們不對所提供資料的準確性做出任何陳述。 詳細瞭解



成交量(24 小時)



7297.6万 SNC




價格變化(1 小時)


價格變動(1 天)


價格變動(1 週)


價格變動 (2 週)


價格變動(1 個月)


價格變動 (1 年)


SunContract 本週呈上升趨勢。

SunContract 的價格在過去一小時內increased了 0.67%,在過去 24 小時內increased了 3.83%。SunContract 的價格在過去一週也risen了 4.96%。 目前的價格為 US$0.0662/SNC,24 小時交易量為 US$61.32万。 目前,SunContract 的價值比其 US$0.71 的歷史新高低 90.62%。這一歷史新高是自 SunContract 推出以來的最高價格。

SunContract 目前的流通供應量為 72,975,829.035 SNC,這表示 SunContract 的總市值為 72,975,829.035。


SunContract 目前的價格是多少?

我們實時將 SunContract 更新為 USD 貨幣。在 Coinbase 上獲取 SunContract 的實時價格

SunContract 的市值是多少?

SunContract 目前的市值為 US$483.19万。高市值意味著資產受到市場的高度重視。

SunContract 的歷史最高紀錄是多少?

SunContract 的歷史最高紀錄是 US$0.71。這是自從 SunContract 推出以來的最高價格。

SunContract 的 24 小時交易量是多少?

在過去 24 小時中,SunContract 的交易量為 US$61.32万。

還有哪些與 SunContract 類似的資產?

與 SunContract 市值相似的資產包括 Crypton, MetaTrace, Dotmoovs 和許多其他資產。若要查看完整清單,請參閱我們的可比市值資產

有多少個 SunContract?

SunContract 目前的循環供應量為 7298万。

我是否能在 Coinbase 上買入 SunContract?

是,Coinbase Wallet 目前提供 SunContract。關於更詳細的說明,請查看我們有用的如何購買 SunContract 指南。