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Nervos Network


Informacje o Nervos Network

Nervos Network (CKB) is an open-source public blockchain ecosystem that strives to establish a peer-to-peer crypto-economy network. Launched in November 2019, Nervos Network employs a dual-layer architecture consisting of a base layer, known as the Common Knowledge Base (CKB), and a computation layer for processing transactions. The base layer operates on the Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism and is fueled by its native cryptocurrency, CKByte (CKB). This layer is responsible for maintaining network security, managing resources, and enabling users to store data. The Nervos Network aims to allow developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) that can function across various blockchain systems, utilizing any of the network layers to run both decentralized apps and smart contracts.

Nervos Network operates on a dual-layer architecture. The base layer, also known as the Common Knowledge Base (CKB), uses the Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism and its native cryptocurrency, CKByte (CKB), to drive the ecosystem. This layer is responsible for network security, resource management, and data storage. The computation layer, on the other hand, processes transactions in real-time and is where developers carry out programming tasks. Nervos Network aims to simplify the creation and use of decentralized apps (dApps) by combining the security of the PoW algorithm with scalability and data sharing capabilities between layers. The network's economic model aims to be scalable, with the intention of allowing participants to contribute to the project's growth by using platform features, in exchange for access to a decentralized, open, and censorship-resistant platform.

Nervos Network is designed to facilitate a wide range of blockchain services and capabilities. Its dual-layer architecture allows developers to create decentralized applications (dApps) that can operate on various blockchain systems. This means that any of the network layers can be used to run both decentralized apps and smart contracts. Furthermore, Nervos Network's economic model aims to be scalable, which means that participants can contribute to the project's growth by using platform features. In return, they gain access to a decentralized, open, and censorship-resistant platform. Users may use the platform to store their assets, with the cost potentially depending on the amount of space they need and the duration of their storage needs.

Nervos Network was created by the Nervos Foundation, a team of researchers, engineers, and developers based in China. The core team was assembled in 2018 and includes three key individuals: Terry Tai, who developed the Yunbi cryptocurrency exchange and co-founded Teahour.fm; Daniel Lv, who co-founded ruby-china.org and served as the platform's chief technology officer (CTO) for both imToken and Yunbi; and Kevin Wang, an engineer who provided consulting services to IBM Silicon Valley Lab and co-founded the Launch School. The Nervos mainnet was launched in November 2019, introducing a dual-layer architecture to the blockchain ecosystem. The network's design reflects the development team's methodology, with an open-source blockchain, support for multiple assets, and a multi-layered architecture with several protocols.


Statystyki rynku

Dane pochodzą od CoinMarketCap i innych stron trzecich. Nie składamy żadnych oświadczeń co do prawidłowości podanych danych. Dowiedz się więcej

Kapitalizacja rynkowa

697,1 mln USD

Wolumen (24h)

19,2 mln USD

Ilość waluty na rynku

44,3 mld CKB

Maksimum historyczne

0,0441 USD

Wyniki rynkowe

Zmiana ceny (1 godz.)


Zmiana ceny (1 d)


Zmiana ceny (1 t)


Zmiana ceny (2 tyg.)


Zmiana ceny (1 m)


Zmiana ceny (1 rok)


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Nervos Network spada w tym tygodniu.

Cena aktywa Nervos Network decreased o 0,66% w ciągu ostatniej godziny i increased o 1,59% w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin. Ponadto cena aktywa Nervos Network fallen o 2,08% w ciągu ostatniego tygodnia. Aktualna cena wynosi 0,0157 USD za CKB przy 24-godzinnym wolumenie obrotu równym 19,20 mln USD. Obecnie aktywo Nervos Network jest wyceniane o 64,36% niżej od historycznego maksimum wynoszącego 0,0441 USD. To historyczne maksimum było najwyższą ceną zapłaconą za aktywo Nervos Network od czasu jego premiery.

Obecna podaż aktywa Nervos Network w obiegu wynosi 44 277 271 902,711 CKB, co oznacza, że Nervos Network ma łączną kapitalizację rynkową równą 44 277 271 902,711.

Często zadawane pytania

Jaka jest aktualna cena Nervos Network?

Aktualizujemy nasz kurs Nervos Network do USD w czasie rzeczywistym. Otrzymuj aktualną cenę Nervos Network na Coinbase.

Jaka jest kapitalizacja rynku Nervos Network?

Obecna kapitalizacja rynku Nervos Network to 697,07 mln USD. Wysoka kapitalizacja rynku oznacza, że aktywa są wysoko cenione przez rynek.

Jakie jest historyczne maksimum Nervos Network?

Najwyższy w historii poziom Nervos Network to 0,0441 USD. Ten rekordowy poziom to najwyższa cena zapłacona za Nervos Network od czasu jego wprowadzenia na rynek.

Jaki jest 24-godzinny wolumen obrotu Nervos Network?

W ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin wolumen obrotu Nervos Network wyniósł 19,20 mln USD.

Ile jest Nervos Network?

Obecna podaż w obiegu Nervos Network wynosi 44 miliardy.

Czy mogę kupić Nervos Network na Coinbase?

Nie, kryptowaluta Nervos Network nie jest obecnie dostępna na Coinbase, ale możesz się zarejestrować, aby otrzymywać najnowsze wiadomości na temat Nervos Network i powiadomienie, gdy kryptowaluta zostanie dodana do naszej giełdy.